O Ring Seals – Meaning, Working Principle, Brands and More.

O Ring Seals, Horiaki

O-ring seals are a medium of blocking out certain liquid or solid from a pathway. As the name states, these are ‘O’ shaped mediums which means a complete circle in shape. They are generally made up of materials like Neoprene, metals, plastics or Silicone. You will find them mostly in the spaces like kitchens in the homes. 

Working principle of O-Ring Seals –

O ring seals basically work on the ‘compression’ principle. This means that they are inserted between two surfaces to fit in an exact manner and stop the leakage. The materials used in these kinds of seals usually depend on their application and usage. Silicones are used to deal with temperature-related surfaces while Viton is used for chemical-related surfaces. 

Which brands are considered the best O ring seals suppliers?

Finding the right as well as a good product is a difficult task. With O rings consisting of several types, it is important to find a brand that sells them specifically. The specificity not only proves them to be an expert in the field but also brings a wide range of varieties for you. Based on this factor, ‘Horiaki India Pvt Ltd’ stands among the leading O ring seals manufacturers in India. Additionally, the brand also sells several similar products like valve seals, rubber metal gaskets, silicone rubber parts, polyurethane dampers etc. 

Horiaki, Horiaki

Horiaki India Private Limited

Horiaki India Private Limited was established in the year 1998 with an aim to manufacture and supply premium rubber bonded products in India as well as the international market.

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